Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kids These Days ...

You know, kids these days just irk me sometimes! We recently attended Night of Joy in Orlando, FL this past September 11th and 12th and just the behavior of some of the youth groups there shocked me! I mean, where is the control here?

I have sat in youth groups before and I have to say I have never heard a youth leader encourage their youth to act like complete and total fools while out in public. The thing that really bugs me is when these kids act like this and other people notice, namely lost folks, saying "Wow, these are Christian kids? Our country is really going to hell in a hand-basket". That bothered me. Alot. I understand the need to have fun when you are a kid, but some of these kids were out of control! While Romans 3:23 certainly applies to teenagers too, they just made believers look bad. Here we are trying to be an examples to the lost, we're out acting like total idiots! If you hadn't noticed, Christians are closely examined by the world and this in my opinion just gives them an excuse to laugh us off!

Just an example -- We were walking around between sets and a group of kids came by screaming at the top of their lungs. Were they screaming "Jesus Loves You!"? No. Were they screaming the lyrics to a song? No. They were just screaming obnoxiously trying to see which one could cast the most attention from passer-bys. What the ... These kids proudly display their loyalty to the church, with their neon colored shirts, but their mouths and behavior... well that's a different story.

And one other thing that bugged me. I am not one to judge, but people should dress with modesty, especially young ladies. I mean, I don't need to see every part of the body that God made... in detail. The Lord designed your body for your future wife/husband to see. Not everyone who walks by you. Ladies, respect yourselves! Guys, pull your pants up! We're not to be conformed to the world, or to dress like the world, or act like the world. We're to be a holy example of Jesus Christ.

Now some may read this and say "Who does this Jay guy think he is telling me this?" Well, if your parents or youth leaders aren't going to tell you, I am not one to dance around words. Be an example of Jesus, not a hindrance to His Holy Name!

These teens are the future of the church. If we, as the adults don't steer them in the right direction, then what foundation have we left them for the future? I partially blame myself for the way these kids act. It's OUR responsibility to be that positive influence in their life, show them the ropes...

Okay, I have rambled on and spoke my mind... hopefully my opinion helps....

- Jay

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